TDCP – Tableau Desktop Certified Professional



Finishing Checklists



Table of Contents

TDCP – Tableau Desktop Certified Professional 1

Best Practices for Data Visualization. 1

Rules from the White Paper. 1

Chart type. 1

Effectiveness of Views. 1

Holistic Dashboards. 1

Order of Operations. 1

Data Blending. 1

LODs. 1

Guided Analysis – Outliers: Free units over threshold. 1

Proportional Brushing : Comparing to the total. E.g., comparing Italy sales to the EU in the same chart  1

Market basket analysis : Click on one and get other categories which were bought without self join: 1

Country Comparisons: Show total when nothing or more than threshold of 10 countries are selected   1

Path on a map: Donations from which country to which country and sized by amount. 1

Resources. 1

Viz in a Tooltip (VIT). 1

Trick: Excel Union Query. 1

Create a Pareto Chart. 1

Map with Custom Background Image. 1

Step-by-step Instructions. 1

Resources. 1

Trick: Placeholders in Crosstab for Per-Column Control of Formatting. 1

Control Charts. 1

Funnel Chart. 1

Bollinger Bands. 1

Bump Charts. 1

Order Dates Descending in Quick Filter. 1

String and Date Formatting. 1

Formatting Numbers to Thousands. 1

Split Customer Name. 1

Format YYYYMMDD String Into Date. 1

Format Date into an MM/DD/YYYY Formatted String. 1

Custom Number Formatting. 1

Examples. 1

Limitations. 1

Resources. 1

Fix Sort Order with 2nd Dimension That Spans More Than One 1st Dimension. 1

Highlighting via Tooltip Selection. 1

Tableau Challenge Workbooks. 1

Tableau Challenge Beginner 1 – Adjustable Fixed Axis. 1

Tableau Challenge Beginner 2 – Chart Selector. 1

Tableau Challenge Beginner 3 – Expand Only Chosen Hierarchy Items. 1

Tableau Challenge Beginner 4 – User Option to Choose Measures. 1

Tableau Challenge Beginner 5 – Remove the Null and All Options. 1

Tableau Challenge Beginner 6 – Sorting and Labeling on Multiple Categories. 1

Tableau Challenge Beginner 7 – Waterfall Chart. 1

Tableau Challenge Beginner 8 – Cumulative Distribution to a Histogram.. 1

Tableau Challenge Intermediate 1 – Average Sales by Order. 1

Tableau Challenge Intermediate 4 – Market Basket Analysis. 1

Tableau Challenge Intermediate 7 - Color by Legend. 1

Tableau Challenge Intermediate 8 – Histogram of Number of Orders. 1

Tableau Challenge Intermediate 9 – Profitable Days per Month. 1

Tableau Challenge Intermediate 10 – Nested Sorting and Ranking. 1

Tableau Challenge Intermediate 11 – Top 10 per Region. 1

Tableau Challenge Intermediate 12 – Top 10 Region and Category. 1

Tableau Challenge Jedi 7 – Paths on a Map. 1

Tableau Challenge Jedi 8 – Crosstab with Sparklines. 1



Best Practices for Data Visualization





Rules from the White Paper


Tableau’s WhitePaper Visual Analysis Guidebook


Chart type


·         Trend – line, area (amplifies legend dimension pattern), bar (amplifies x axis pattern)

·         Comparison – bar

·         Correlation – scatter, combining multiple charts in one view

·         Distribution – box plot, histogram

·         Part to Whole – stacked bar

o   Don’t use pie charts

·         Geographical – encourage use of pie charts on maps


Effectiveness of Views


·         Put the most important data on the x/y axis and less important data on color, size, or shape.

·         Avoid vertically-oriented labels (hard to read) – if you feel you need vertical labels, try rotating the view.

·         It’s hard to compare side-by-side horizontal bars, put them above and below each other.

·         Tableau loves bullet charts, especially for actual vs target comparisons.

·         Limit the number of colors/shapes to 7-10.

·         Color:

o   Consider how your use of color will be interpreted.

o   Use a meaningful midpoint for color ranges, zero is usually meaningful.

o   Avoid adding color encoding for more than 12 distinct values.

·         Fonts:   Okay to use:

§  Trebuchet MS (especially for numbers/tables)

§  Verdana (especially for numbers/tables)

§  Arial

§  Georgia

§  Tahoma

§  Times New Roman

§  Lucida sans

§  Calibri (tooltip only)

§  Cambria (tooltip only)

·         Tooltips:

o   Use most important part of tooltip as a title

o   Make measure names specific and understandable

o   Make sure to include units for all numbers

o   Include callouts, format them differently – with lighter shade and smaller font

·         Axes:

o   Fix range if possible

o   Include units when necessary and format values properly


Holistic Dashboards


·         Place the most important view in the top left.

·         Limit dashboards to 3-4 views.

·         Keep a single color scheme across views if possible. No more than two color palettes.

·         Group filters together with a layout container, include legend in the container if it applies to all views.

·         Use interactive views only when necessary

o   Include subtle instructions for users in titles or captions to show them they can interact.

o   Use highlights to emphasize patterns

·         Filters

o   Consider how filters interact with highlights

o   Apply filters to all views wherever possible

o   Turn on show less value if filters cascade

o   Order the values in quick filters in a way that makes sense for users

o   Add dynamic titles to views that reflect the filter selections

o   Consider using the apply button for filters

o   Slider filters for numerical and date values, list filters for dimensions

o   Check filter states before publishing – don’t publish with filtered data and mislead

·         Sizing

o   Use range sizing to avoid scroll bars or scrunched views

o   Clear any manual sizing unless absolutely necessary






Order of Operations



Order of Operations within Dimension and Set Filters



Data Blending


Resolving Data Blending Issues

Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation. - Data blending has some limitations regarding non-additive aggregates such as COUNTD, MEDIAN, and RAWSQLAGG. Non-additive aggregates are aggregate functions that produce   that cannot be aggregated along a dimension. Instead, the values have to be calculated individually.  Can occur:

·         Groups in the primary data source

·         Non-additive aggregates from the primary data source.

·         Non-additive aggregates from a multi-connection data source that uses a live connection

·         Linking field in the view before the use of an LOD expression

·         Published data sources as the primary data source


Asterisks show in the sheet - When you blend data, make sure that there is only one matching value in the secondary data source for each mark in the primary data source. If there are multiple matching values, you see an asterisk in the view that results after you blend data.


Null values appear after blending data sources - Null values can sometimes appear in place of the data you want in the view when you use data blending. Null values can appears for a few reasons:

·         The secondary data source does not contain values for the corresponding values in the primary data source.

·         The data types of the fields you are blending on are different.

·         The values in the primary and secondary data sources use different casing.


Blending with a cube (multidimensional) data source - Cube data sources can only be used as the primary data source for blending data in Tableau. They cannot be used as secondary data sources.

OpenSort is not available

·         For issues sorting on a calculated field, see Sorting by Fields is Unavailable for Data Blended Measures.

·         For issues with a computed sort, see Sort Options Not Available from Toolbar When Data Blending.

OpenActions do not behave as expected

·         Fields from the secondary data source cannot be added to a URL action. See Fields from Blended Data Source Unavailable for URL Actions.

·         Action filters are not behaving as expected. See Action Filters with Blended Data Not Working as Expected.

OpenUnexpected values and field changes

·         Invalid fields when using COUNTD, MEDIAN, and RAWSQLAGG. See COUNTD Invalid in Published Data Sources When Blending.

·         Duplicate totals after every date value in the view. See Issues with Blending on Date Fields.

·         Latitude and longitude fields are grayed out. See Error "Invalid field formula" Creating Map.

·         Underlying data shows different values than blended data. See Underlying Data from Secondary Data Source Not Displayed or Consistent with Blended Data.





Nested LODs

·         Golden Rule - The inner expression in the nested LOD inherits its dimensionality from the outer expression.

·         Exception – Fixed nested within Fixed: The inner Fixed expression overrides the outer Fixed expression.


LOD Examples

Average Profit per Order

Profit per Order ID -- { INCLUDE [Order ID] : SUM( [Profit] ) }


Customer Order Frequency


Cohort Analysis


Daily Profit KPI


Percent of Total


New Customer Acquisition

First Order Date -- {FIXED [Customer ID]: MIN([Order Date])}

New or Existing -- IIF([First Order Date] = [Order Date], "New", "Existing")

Build the viz:

1) Bring Day of Order Date to Columns.

2) Bring count distinct of Customer ID to Rows.

3) Bring New or Existing to the Filters shelf and keep "New" only.

4) Right-click on the pill on Rows and select add a Quick Table Calculation > Running Total.

5) Bring Market to Color.


Second Order Date – { FIXED [Customer ID] : MIN(IF [Order Date] > [First Order Date] THEN [Order Date] END)}


 the average number of Unprofitable Orders per Customer, for each Segment?

Perc of Unprofitable Orders -- SUM( [Num Unprofitable Orders] ) / TOTAL ( SUM ( [Num Unprofitable Orders] ) )


“What is the most costly Order to ship by Country, for each of the 4 Markets?”

{ FIXED [Market]:MAX({ INCLUDE [Order ID],[Country]:SUM([Shipping Cost])})}

“What is the most costly Order to ship by Country, for each of the 4 Markets?”

MAX({ INCLUDE [Country], [Order ID]:SUM([Shipping Cost])})





Guided Analysis – Outliers: Free units over threshold


Bar chart with threshold line.

Placeholder – little dots – max(-0.001) on columns beside the sum(units)

Create customers above threshold. If ({fixed: [industry], [cust name] : sum(free units)/sum(total units)} > Threshold then [Cust Name] end

Drag this to detail and change the mark to dots for the max(-0.001) only

Then add cust above threshold to the color.



Proportional Brushing : Comparing to the total. E.g., comparing Italy sales to the EU in the same chart


Drag sum(sales) to columns – Affected by Dimension filters.

Create {fixed month(order_date): sum(sales)} – But this wont be affected by the Dimension filter.

But it needs to. Change the market filter to the Context.

Dual axis and Sync Axis.

Now if you add Country filter, the sum(sales) will change, but the Fixed one wont change!



Market basket analysis : Click on one and get other categories which were bought without self join:



Product sub category to rows and sum(sales) to columns

Create {fixed product sub category: sum(sales)} – Doesn’t move

Then drag this to the Columns

Add order id to the details.

Add filter action from worksheet to worksheet – filter on order id only

Remove Order ID from fixed calc

When you click on paper, that sum9sales changes but the fixed doesn’t change.

Now Dual axis + Sync axis.

Now when you click on Paper, you will see the pic above.


Country Comparisons: Show total when nothing or more than threshold of 10 countries are selected


How many countries selected – How?

{Countd(countries)} – All countries  - 147 straight line

If you add the action filter to the context, fixed will show number of countries.

Calcif {countd(countries)} < threshold then [Country] else ‘All’ end

Put this on color



Path on a map: Donations from which country to which country and sized by amount


Structure of the data –

Create calc – Selected Country - IIF([Country] = [Country Parameter],1,0)

Create calc – Donor and Receipient - {FIXED  [Edge]: MAX(IIF([Country] = [Country Parameter],1,0))}

Create Calc – For Filter - {FIXED  [Edge]: MAX(IIF([Country] = [Country Parameter],1,0))} = 1

Create Map – Avg(latitude) on Rows Avg(Longitude) on Columns  + Path on Color (Light to Dark) + Sum(Grants) to Size + Edge to the Details + Path to Path Card + Country, Sum(total grant), attr(donor or receipient) on Tooltips + For Filter on the Filter Shelf to True








Viz in a Tooltip (VIT) 



·         Online Help: 

·         Sample:

·         Sample:



<Sheet name="Tooltip: Profit by Sub-Category" maxwidth="300" maxheight="300" filter="<All Fields>">



Must to use Viz in tooltip. 

Specific Filter can be used in a VIT. Size can be changed too. Max best practice is 600X600. 

Same sheet but with different LOD can be used. So 2 sheets can be shown. Maybe 1 aggr and second individual state. 

Parameter - Which tooltip and Size can also be controlled by a parameter. e.g., Show profit/sales/shipping. 


Use Cases

1.    Change level of granularity (zoom). Hovering over year can show month details. Individual values can be shown too. 

2.    On a map show trending or distribution by state or data points. Flip works too. 

3.    Scatter plots can be shown for correlation. Legend and actual numbers can also be shown. 

4.    Can be used to give context to the number. e.g., how is the number within the min and max months/Bullet chart. 




Trick: Excel Union Query

























Create a Pareto Chart


Create a Pareto Chart (Online Help)


  1. Create bar chart by Sub-Category in descending order for Sales
  2. Add a line chart that shows Sales by Sub-Category
  3. Add table calculation to show  Sales by Sub-Category as Running Total and as Percent of Total
    1. Primary Calc: Sum Running Total (Compute Using Table (across))
    2. Secondary Calc: Percent of Total (Compute Using Table (across))
  4. Change the color of the line


Pareto Charts - How many dimensions items are contributing to measures. Used for 80-20 rule

e.g., How many products are contributing to sales. 

Bring Product ID to COlumns - Add All members 

Line Chart: 

Bring Sales to Rows - Sort Desc and Fit Width

Right Click on Sales - Add Quick Table Calc - Running Total 

Edit table calc - Specific Dimension - Verify Product ID is checked. 

Add secondary calc choose % of total. 

Control click drag a copy of Product ID from Columns to the Detail shelf.

Right click on the Product ID pill on Columns change the aggregation to Count Distinct.

Right click again and add a quick table calculation for Running Total. 

Right click again and select Edit Table Calc. Click Specific Dimensions and check Product ID to make this an addressing field, and perform a secondary calculation, of type Percent of Total.

Finally, change the mark type to line.

Bar chart: 

Bring a new copy of sales to the Rows shelf, 

right click on this second copy of Sales and choose Dual Axis. 

Change the mark type for Sum of Sales to a bar. Resize to tiny.

Right click on the right-hand Sales axis and select Move Marks to Back,

Uncheck Show Header and we’ll edit our colors so the line is blue.

Reference Line: 

Analytics tab, bring out a constant line to count distinct of Product ID. 

Set the value to 0.2. 

Bring out another constant line to the Sum of Sales with the table calc, indicated by the delta symbol. Set the value to 0.8.



Map with Custom Background Image


Step-by-step Instructions

1.       Connect to your (generally Excel) datasource that will hold the coordinates. Include a field called LOOKUP with values in it so that you can check if everything is working.

2.       Make sure your coordinate fields are dimensions and are set as geographic lat or long fields.

3.       Under the Maps menu, click on background images and select your datasource. Assign the lat and long fields.

4.       Drag your lat and long fields to the columns/rows as you would with a normal map and your image will appear as the background of the map.

5.       To get the coordinates of the places for your marks, click on the location you’d like your map to be and select Annotate. This will give you the lat and long of the place that you clicked.

6.       You’re all set!



·         Online Help





Map with Territory Group

3 Options

Option 1: Select and group locations on a map.

Option 2: Create a territory from a geographic field

Option 3: Geocode a territory field using another geographic field


Step-by-step Instructions for Option 1

1.       Select marks

2.       Create groups

3.       Put new group to color

4.       Remove low level geography from the viz (remove states in screenshot)

5.       You’re all set!




·         Online Help





Sets are subsets of your data that are also based on existing dimensions. Sets get their own special area in the data pane. You can create a set visually by selecting marks or you can create a computed set by using logic that creates conditions on how the IN/OUT membership of the set will be calculated.


3 Types

·         Constant

·         Computed

·         Combined



·         Constant Sets (Interworks)

·         Computed Sets (Interworks)

·         Combined Sets (Interworks)


Trick: Placeholders in Crosstab for Per-Column Control of Formatting



·         Need to set coloring scheme per column based upon calculated field logic.

·         Need to mix and match mark types within a crosstab.

·         Need to have different tool tips for each column in a crosstab.



1.       Create Placeholder calculated field (normally min(0) or min(1) ).

2.       Add Placeholders to columns (as many as needed)

3.       Add measures, one at a time, to each Placeholder’s Marks Text.

4.       Add dimensions to Rows.

5.       Marks Card

a.       Set Mark Type to Text

b.      Mark’s Size and Mark’s Color will override size and color Mark’s Text

c.       Format Lines -> Columns -> Grid Lines -> None

6.       Remove Headers at Bottom (Right Mouse click + Show Headers)

7.       Add sheet to a dashboard.

8.       Add a floating Text box.  Align to the header and enter in column names.  Sheet should be fixed width.


Control Charts


Control Charts - Establish if variation in measurement is within acceptable bounds. Done with Time Series. How many marks are out of bounds. 

Create Param - # Standard Deviation - List 1, 2, 3

Create Calc - Lower Bound - WINDOW_AVG(SUM([Profit])) - (WINDOW_STDEV( SUM([Profit])) * [Standard Deviations] )

Create Calc - Upper Bound - WINDOW_AVG(SUM([Profit])) + (WINDOW_STDEV( SUM([Profit])) * [Standard Deviations] )

Create Calc - Outliers -  SUM([Profit]) < [Lower Bound] OR SUM([Profit]) > [Upper Bound]

Drag Month (Columns) Sum(profit) (Rows) 

Drag measure Values to the Rows shelf and keep only Upper and Lower bounds. You should see 2 lines. 

Dual axis - Sync Axis - Uncheck Show Header 

Bring Outliers to Color - Edit Colors for True/False + Show Marks

Change Upper and Lower bound lines to Gray. 

Changing the Std dev changes the number of marks outside the Lower and Upper bounds 


Funnel Chart


Funnel Chart - Sales Funnel, Candidates interview process, phase of sales. 

Data set - Number of Prospects in our sales funnel and in which phase. 

Drag #Prospects to COlumns and Phase to Rows. 

Change Mark Type to Area

Sort Phase according to phases.

Fit Entire View 

Create Calc - Negative # Prospects = - #Prospects

Bring -ve to Left of +ve #Prospects

Tidy the view - Hide headers, Format Borders for no column divider 

Bring Phase to label on the -ve

Bring #Prospects to label on +ve 

Change Label on +ve to % of Total 


Bollinger Bands


Bollinger Bands - Financial Analysis - Under or oversold using Moving average. 

Create Param - Lookback Period - Int - Range 1 to 50 - Curr 20

Create Param - # Standard Deviations - Range 1 to 4 - Curr 2

Create calc - Moving Avg - window_avg(avg([Closing Price]), -[Lookback Period], 0)

Create calc - Standard Deviation - window_STDDEV(avg([Closing Price]), -[Lookback Period], 0)

Create calc - Upper Bound - Moving Avg + [# Standard Deviation] * [Standard Deviation]

Create calc - Lower Bound - Moving Avg - [# Standard Deviation] * [Standard Deviation]

Bring - Avg(Closing Price) to rows, [Moving Avg} to rows, Dual Axis, Bring upper and lower bound to the same axis, Sync Axis, Uncheck Show header. 

Make all bands to be gray (upper, avg, Lower)

Mark anything outside std dev - Outside Band - Avg(Closing Price) < Lower Bound OR Avg(Closing Price)> Upper Bound

Bring Outside Band to color and change color to Blue and Red (Outside) 

Bump Charts - Line Chart - Shows change in RANK over TIME (months) - Start, middle and end are ranks 

Looking at Profits across Markets. 

Drag profits (rows) and month (Columns) 

Right Click on profit - Apply Quick Table Calc - Rank 

Right Click again - Compute using to Market 

Right Click - Profit to discrete 

Make sure mark is Line. 




Bump Charts


Bump Charts - Line Chart - Shows change in RANK over TIME (months) - Start, middle and end are ranks 

          Looking at Profits across Markets. 

          Drag profits (rows) and month (Columns) 

          Right Click on profit - Apply Quick Table Calc - Rank 

          Right Click again - Compute using to Market 

          Right Click - Profit to discrete 

          Make sure mark is Line. 



Order Dates Descending in Quick Filter

  1. Create the custom M/D/Y date
  2. Sort that custom date in descending order (do so on the field in the Measure pane itself and not in the view)
  3. Add the quick filter to the viz



String and Date Formatting


Formatting Numbers to Thousands

Formula for Formatting Numbers to thousands or millions as necessary (does not add commas)

     if sum([Visits]) >= 1000000 then str(round(sum([Visits])/1000000, 2)) + 'M'

     elseif sum([Visits]) >= 1000 then str(round(sum([Visits])/1000, 2)) + 'K'

     else str(sum([Visits]))



Split Customer Name


                Separate customer names into first and last names as separate dimensions. Account for Middle Names


Option 1 - Custom Split - Use Space and First Split + Custom Split 2 - Use Space and Last Split.


                Option 2

Last Name

trim(if FINDNTH([Trim Cust Name], " ", 2) > 0
         then right([Trim Cust Name], len([Trim Cust Name]) - FINDNTH([Trim Cust Name], " ", 2))
         ELSE right([Trim Cust Name], len([Trim Cust Name]) - FINDNTH([Trim Cust Name], " ", 1)+1)
     END )


First Name
left([Trim Cust Name], FIND([Trim Cust Name], " "))


Format YYYYMMDD String Into Date


                Convert the date 20070425 into a date format recognized/usable by Tableau.

Option 1 - DATEPARSE("yyyyMMdd", STR([Dates]) )


                Option 2 - date( left(str([Dates]), 4) + "-" + mid(str([Dates]), 5, 2) + "-" + right(str([Dates]), 2) )


Format Date into an MM/DD/YYYY Formatted String


By default, Tableau shows dates converted to strings in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

To display it as MM/DD/YYYY (force leading zeros for month and day):





To display it as mm/dd/YYYY (do not force leading zeros for month and day):





Custom Number Formatting


Tableau borrows custom number formatting from Excel with several limitations.


Here is an arbitrary selection of examples:

Add text next to the numbers:

"Profit:" #,##0.00;"Loss:" -#,##0.00;

Replace the numbers by text:


Numbers in tens:


Numbers in hundreds:


Numbers in trillions:


Show only positive values:

#,##.0; ;

Show only negative values:

; -#,##.0;

Add leading zeros to a number:

#,### 000000000

Split numbers into dollars and cents:

#,## "USD &" .00 "Ct"; - #,## "USD &" .00 "Ct"

Add symbols:


Show Quarter instead of Q:

yyyy "Quarter" q

Times instead of dates:


Only the months:


Show the full date and am/pm time:

ddd, mm/dd/yyyy, hh:mm am/pm

Special syntax like telephone numbers:

(###) ###-###-###

Don’t show anything at all:




·    No Color Coding

·    No Comparison Operators

·    No Repetition of Text



·         Tableau Custom Number Formats (Clearly and Simply)

·         Custom Excel Number Formatting


Fix Sort Order with 2nd Dimension That Spans More Than One 1st Dimension


  1. Create calc field
    1. Name: Rank       Formula: RANK(SUM([Profit]), ‘desc’)
  2. Convert calc field to Discrete
  3. Drop Rank onto Rows between 1st and 2nd Dimensions
  4. Set Compute Using to Pane Down
  5. Unclick show header to remove Rank from the view


Example (Global Superstore 2016)


Highlighting via Tooltip Selection


*** The cool feature that we saw in Superstore workbook, where clicking on the tooltip highlights the specific items/category was because of a feature/selection in the tooltip properties - "Allow Selection By Category". Seems this is a 10.3 feature -

This means that we should include all Dimensions in the tooltip to help with the analysis. Highlighting will surely help. 



Summary on the top in the form of charts or big numbers. Details at the bottom.

Use less colors. Use color blind pallete.

Tooltips and interactions important.

Storyboard in the end to present the story.


jitterring with box plot is cool.   



4 questions in total

                Q1 - 30 min - 17% - Best Practices

                Q2 - 30 min - 17% - Specific Questions

                Q3 - 60 min - 32% - Dashboard 1

                Q4 - 60 min - 32% - Dashboard 2




Tableau Challenge Workbooks


Are you as Tableau-smart as Tableau Consultant?



Tableau Challenge Beginner 1 – Adjustable Fixed Axis


Use Reference Line:

1.       Constant = value

2.       Set Line = None.

a.       Note there is no way to hide the tool tip of the reference line.


Tableau Challenge Beginner 2 – Chart Selector


1.       Parameter (Map or Graph)

2.       T/F Filter based on 1 value of Parameter.  Example: [Parameter Choose Chart] = “Map”

3.       Add T/F Filter to each sheet, one set to True and one to Exclude True).

4.       Combine 2 chart sheets into a container and hide the titles.

5.       Show the Parameter Control.


Tableau Challenge Beginner 3 – Expand Only Chosen Hierarchy Items


1.      Create a string parameter with the three different departments (e.g., Office/Furniture/Tech).

2.      Create a calculated field with a logical IF statement

IF [Choose Department] = [Department] THEN [Category] ELSE "" END



Tableau Challenge Beginner 4 – User Option to Choose Measures


Option 1 - Make parameter with all measure names + Calc field with Parameter and Measure Names + Drag dimensions and Calc field + Parameter Control


                Option 2 - Just drag Measure Values on the shelf + Filter on Measure Values + Drag Dimensions and Measure Values + Filter on Measure Names


Tableau Challenge Beginner 5 – Remove the Null and All Options


Option 1 - Create set with non-null values and use it as filter


                Option 2 - Duplicate field and add the second as the filter with no nulls.


Tableau Challenge Beginner 6 – Sorting and Labeling on Multiple Categories


Sort the bar chart by sales in the east and label the percentage of total sales for each region.  Add a label for the total sales of each bar at the end. 


                Create "East Sales" field, Add it to Detail, Sort using "East Sales" + Duplicate sum(sales), Add Perc of Total, Drag to Label + Reference Line for Sum(sales), value


Tableau Challenge Beginner 7 – Waterfall Chart


Date (Columns) and Sum of profit (rows) + Running Total on profit + Mark type to Gantt + Size by negative Profit + Color by Profit


Tableau Challenge Beginner 8 – Cumulative Distribution to a Histogram


Duplicate Cnt(profit) + Add Quick Calc Running Total + Dual Axis


Tableau Challenge Intermediate 1 – Average Sales by Order


Show the average sales by order for each region. Multiple items per order id.


Option 1 - sum(sales)/countd(order_id)


                Option 2 - LOD - {include order_id: sum(sales)} + Drag on shelf + Change aggr from Sum to Avg.


Tableau Challenge Intermediate 4 – Market Basket Analysis


Market basket analysis - Order ID Contains Multiple Categories


                Excel sheet - Join Orders to Orders on "order_id = Order_id" and "category <> category"


                Drag Category from first to Rows, from Second to Columns


                Countd(order_id) - Drag to text and Color


Tableau Challenge Intermediate 7 - Color by Legend


Move Measure Names and Values to the shelves + Move Measure Values to Color + Right Click Measure Values and Choose "Use Separate legends"



Tableau Challenge Intermediate 8 – Histogram of Number of Orders


Create a histogram of the number of customers who made 1, 2, 3 etc. orders.


Orders per Customer:


{FIXED [Customer Name]: COUNTD([Order ID])}


Distinct Number of Customers:

     countd(customer name)




Tableau Challenge Intermediate 9 – Profitable Days per Month


How many days within each month have negative profit days versus positive profit days?


                Option 1 - Create set of Order date with condition sum(profit)>0 + Drag Set on Color and Columns + Countd(order_Date) on Columns + year and month on Rows


                Option 2 - Create LOD: { FIXED [Order Date] : SUM([Profit]) } > 0 + Use this instead of the set above.


Tableau Challenge Intermediate 10 – Nested Sorting and Ranking


 Sort each item by sales within each region and filter down to the top N in each region. 


                Option 1 - Rank(sum(sales), 'desc')) + Convert to Discrete (IMP) + Move between Region and Item + Calculate Pane(Down) + Parameter TOP N + Filter Rank <= Top N


                Option 2 - Use Index (Detailed calc) = Right click index and “edit table calculation”.  Choose “advanced” in the compute using.  Address by region then item and sort by field sum of sales descending.  Choose restarting every region.


Tableau Challenge Intermediate 11 – Top 10 per Region


 Create a top ten conditional filter that will update the top ten based on the selection in a filter.


                Add filter to context


Tableau Challenge Intermediate 12 – Top 10 Region and Category


 Display the top 10 category/region combinations. 


                Combine the 2 fields + Drag field + Sort that field by sum(profit) + index + Filter on index




Tableau Challenge Jedi 7 – Paths on a Map


Using Path Shelf Pattern Analysis


Use custom sql to reshape the data in the correct format.  The query looks like the following: 



  <Parameters.Choose Center State> AS [State Path],

  ['State paths$'].[Sales] AS [Sales],

  ['State paths$'].[Unique Path] AS [Unique Path],

  1 AS [Path]

FROM ['State paths$']





  ['State paths$'].[To State] AS [State Path],

  ['State paths$'].[Sales] AS [Sales],

  ['State paths$'].[Unique Path] AS [Unique Path],

  2 AS [Path]

FROM ['State paths$']


This does two things.  It brings the “To State” under the “From State” and labels the To and From with a 1 or 2.  The To and From state columns are both named “state path”.  The last part is to make the from state dynamic by putting in a state name parameter.



Basic map building blocks:

Columns shelf:

Longitude (continuous dimension, longitude geographic role assigned)

Rows shelf:

Latitude (continuous dimension, latitude geographic role assigned)


Path ID field (discrete dimension)

Mark type:




Tableau Challenge Jedi 8 – Crosstab with Sparklines


1.       Add minimum number of records to the columns to fake the crosstab axis.  Place the sum of sales on the label in this marks card.  Change the mark type to text.

2.       Add continuous month to the columns and sum of sales (with a difference table calculation to make it interesting) to the rows.  Make the mark type line.  Make the axis independent.

3.       Add sum of sales to the end of the columns.  Make the mark completely transparent.  Add a reference line to the sum of sales.  Fill below the line.

4.       The rest of the exercise is simply formatting.  Shrink down the cell sizes and remove unnecessary grid lines.





Familiarize with SUPER STORE DB


To do - 3/15/2018

                NESTED LOD - Ricardo

                Blending - Limitations + Cartesian product + Generate data in Tableau - Ricardo

                Usage for index vs Rank - Rachel

                Excel Specific Features - Ingest piece

                Add to context - doesnt work for Region and Category for Sales and Top 3! Categories get filtered but the TOP function is not implemented at Region and Category level, its just at the region level. - Ricardo



Sparkline With Min/Max Highlighted